Accepting some degree of risk is a daily choice in life. Lets discuss how to do it in a way that mitigates risk that allows for freedom in every day activities.

Welcome to our first blog post. In this post we’ll talk about assessing risks, how risks have evolved and some ways to ensure you incorporate good practices to prevent loss. Our hope is that this information is useful when you decide to apply the principles of security in your environment.

“What you risk reveals what you value” – Jeanette Winterson

Everyday we take risks. It’s a part of normal life. Walking across the street is a risk we take with our lives. Leaving our home unattended while we go to work is a risk we take that our home, and its belongings, will be there when we return. We may consciously assess the risks to these decisions periodically but to apply effort to assess common risks on a daily basis is both mentally taxing and much to stressful to justify. This is why we incorporate technologies and materials to rely on to deliver security.

Once Upon a Time

Until we’re taught how to manage risk we take chances and learn from our experiences. Certain experiences teach us the hard way, and all provide lessons. Thankfully parents and leaders may have saved us the grief of injury and loss by advising us how to be safe. Often we make decisions about security and safety only once. Assuming the variables remain the same we can be confident the risk will also. In todays world however things change rapidly. While a red light still means stop a locked door does not always mean denied access. Technology has enabled new ways to circumvent security. It’s also presented new challenges in forcing us to make decisions about safety that we may not have considered in the past. Choosing not to answer a text message while crossing the street is a decision we have to make today. People 30 years ago never had to make that choice. Every day new technologies and strategies are created to address new risks. Those of us who deliver security are passionate about keeping up to do date with threats. To have a professional security assessment performed at your home and business is the best way to leverage this knowledge and experience to protect whats important to you.

“Change is the only constant” – Heraclitus

We recommend businesses and individuals periodically ask themselves what they value most. Then proceed with the question – what actions have I taken to ensure what I value remains safe. If its the new car in your driveway or the intellectual property in your business, threats are always evolving. A good night vision security camera, a monitored alarm system, motion sensors, perimeter lighting, network firewalls, and encrypted communications are all recommended steps to mitigate risks and alert you when a threat may be present.

Get Tested

Have you tested the effectiveness of your security? When is the last time you heard from your alarm monitoring company or confirmed that the security cameras are recording? Assessing risk is not just something to be done once, addressed and forgotten. Make a habit of verifying your protective measures work and you know how to respond when the time is right.